
The National Shooting Complex
5931 Roft Road
San Antonio, Texas

See route

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Sponsors and Partners

Presenting Sponsor (Sold Out)

Public Price

Sporting Clay Shoot “Presented By” and 2 teams of 4 shooters, 2 branded stations, logo on social media, website and on-site signage.

  • $4,000

Sporting Clay Shoot Social Sponsor (Sold Out)

Public Price

Sporting Clay Shoot Social “Presented By” and 1 team of 4 shooters ($800 value), logo on social media, website and on-site signage, signage with logo.

  • $3,000

Axe Throwing Competition Sponsor

Public Price

Mobile Axe Throwing “Presented By”, and 1 team of 4 shooters, logo on social media, website, on-site signage and speciality signage at Axe Throwing area.

  • $2,500

Trophy Sponsor

Public Price

Awards “Provided By”, logo on social media, website and on-site signage.

  • $2,000

Golf Cart Sponsor (Sold Out)

Public Price

Golf Carts “Provided By” and option to place promo items inside the carts. Logo on social media, website and on-site signage.

  • $2,000

SUPER Straight Shooter Package

Public Price

Includes 4 shooters, safety gear, 4 man cart, and Sporting Clay Shoot Social. And, hosting of station with your tent and volunteers. Your sponsorship will be promoted on website, social media, and on-site signage.

  • $2,000

Straight Shooter Package

Public Price

Includes 4 shooters, safety gear, 4 man cart, promotional items, and Sporting Clay Shoot Social. And, sponsorship of one station with on-site signage provided.

  • $1,500

Beverage Sponsor (Sold Out)

Public Price

"Provided by" signage in beverage area, logo on social media and website.

  • $1,500

Welcome Sponsor

Public Price

Logo on welcome sign at registration, social media, website and on-site signage.

  • $1,500

Auction Sponsor

Public Price

Option to assist with auction. Logo on social media, website and auction area.

  • $1,500

HOSTED Station Sponsor

Public Price

Bring your tent and volunteers for this great opportunity to interact with shooters on one course. Includes on-site signage and promotion on social media and website.

  • $1,000

Station Sponsor

Public Price

Station “Sponsored By”, logo on on-site signage on one course.

  • $500.-

Auction Item Sponsor

Public Price

Let us shop for an auction item with your monetary donation. Logo on auction station and website

  • $500.-

NUCA Member Team

Member Price

Includes 4 shooters, golf cart, sporting clay shoot social.

  • $800.-

Non-Member Team

Public Price

Includes 4 shooters, golf cart, sporting clay shoot social.

  • $1,000

Spectator Ticket

Public Price

Not a shooter but want to join in the fun at the Social, this is the ticket.
Your ticket includes all the festivities at the post shoot party; food, beverage, live music, raffle, live auction, axe throwing and more!

  • $100.-

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